Section 18 Valuations

We also provide Section 18 Valuations to establish the diminution of Value under Section 18 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927. Section 18 valuations confirm a cap, on the amount of quantified dilapidations that a landlord can claim against a tenant. This is also known as limiting a landlord’s claim by establishing the landlord’s loss.

Every landlord or tenant will have to serve or defend a dilapidations claim at some point during, and invariably at the end of, a lease. A landlord may require such in order to comply with the “Pre-Action Protocol”, this to be served upon the tenant with the costed repairs schedule.

A tenant may require one to establish whether or not this statutory cap, or ceiling, might serve to reduce their dilapidations payment to the landlord. Often this reduction is significant and a well constructed Valuation can be an effective instrument to support or reduce a claim.
