Compulsory Purchase

We are one of the very few compulsory purchase specialists left in Staffordshire. Compulsory Purchase has become something of a lost art in recent years following the economic downturn. The subsequent significant reduction in central government spending after the downturn resulted in the drying up of regeneration initiatives and therefore the need for the use of Compulsory Purchase powers.

Whether you own or rent either a commercial or residential property we can help you with our expertise to ensure we negotiate the best compensation package for affected parties. If you are affected by new developments or are likely to be in the future it is important that you seek professional advice.

We have extensive experience of representing affected parties in negotiating a satisfactory settlement with either the acquiring local authority or the District Valuer. We will not only ensure you receive the best advice to secure the correct level of compensation for you but can also advise you on disturbance claims and other issues arising from Compulsory Purchase as well as assisting you in securing alternative accommodation.
